@ Action Sports
Cage Monster Team Membership
Our Special Pilot program created with the Great Lakes Bombers allows for self guided player development and exploration along with a ton of fun!
Our team membership mirrors our cage monster membership, but only applies to the player (not a family membership).
Join our current Members, you never know who you might meet and connect with!
Examples of use:
Come in (14u with a parent to front toss etc, if desired, 12u require adult present) whenever the cages are not otherwise rented.
Meet up with some teammates, or other members of Action Sports, spend some time bonding and working together.
Attend our Turf Drop ins for no cost, non members can Drop in for a low fee (designated times only)
Not Just Cages!-
Our cages raise to the roof to allow for open turf work including groundballs, flyballs. Utilize our Plyo Wall and conditioning equipment to increase your output!
Take advantage of our space for Individual Player Development programs or workouts
** Access subject to change due to current state restrictions, please be community minded when using your benefits.